I can't believe so much time has flown by, I remember last New Years just like it was yesterday. Everything is flying by so fast, the last year is like a blur. Some times i wish i could just put life into Rewind and then Slow Motion.. I'm so excited for the future, but i'm also freakin scared out of my wits! I hope this next year is going to be better then that last, it's gonna be tough to beat it!
Just thinkin over the last year, soooo much has changed! I'm half way done with my Senior year, which is just so weird to me, cuz I remember the first day of Sophomore year just like it happened yesterday and soon I'LL BE GRADUATING! ahhhh! Heraldo the the beautiful white chevy is no more.. I'm now driving a green blazer who is still nameless, cuz i just can't think of anything! Fam got a house in St Geezy, and it is just great, i love the warm weather down there! We got a new addition to the family, Pebbles, she's kinda a pain but i still love her! I'm still niece/nephewless :( :( I know, it's not fair at all. I've made a lot of new friends and also not friends with some of the people i used to be.. You probably think that's really sad, but i don't know.. That's not how i think of it. My wisest of all wise friend Russell told me once "Don't worry about the people in your past. There's a reason they didn't make it to your future." Which is so true! I've had so many people come in and out, each one leaving a mark and each one making me into the person i am today. It's weird if you think about it how much of an affect you can make one someone. The slightest thing you do can either rock someone's universe or totally ruin their day. It's weird how the people who make the biggest impact on my life never stay around as long as I'd like.. I've started to realize you gotta love something while you have it and be thankful for it while you have it cuz you never know when it'll be gone. I'm learning to let go, and let the cards fall as they may. I try to always think to myself... "Everything happens for a reason." Buuuut, sometimes that's way hard to just leave everything to fate. Cuz sometimes i wish things would of happened differently then they did, and i wish i could change things. So i guess you could say my new years resolution is to stop all this nonsense. No Regrets from here on out. or atleast that's the plan, I just wish i would know how everything was supposed to work out so i could stop doubting my decisions. "Doubters never prosper" Ha.. i just made that up!
Another thing i want to work on is banning the word "HATE" from my vocabulary, in honor of Alexanderea Armstrong aka AlArm! Cuz i'm getting kinda sick of her hearing "Sam you don't hate them, you're just upset with them at the moment"Hahaha! Soooo Alex! Other wise words from my guru Wussell Waliegh is, "It takes more effort to hate someone then