Sunday, January 31, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Oh The Memories...
I think the new year isn't just about Resolutions and things you wanna change, but i also think its about remembering everything great that's happened over the last year and to be thankful for everything you've got.
Grandma making an amazing recovery after her close call last fall, She's now healthy as a horse and now doing even better then before! Who'd guess this Hot Tamale is 81! Love her soooo much! Her courage and strength amazes me every day! She's amazing!
Miss Grandma Ellie sooooo much! It's still weird to think that she's gone. I'd give anything to just be able to go downstairs and see her in her little rocker doing a word search. I miss the smell of her baking so much, cuz it used to always drift upstairs.(well maybe not the smell of cabbage stuff she used to always make, haha Not a fan!) But i feel so comforted knowing her and Grandpa Philip are up in Heaven watching over the whole family!
Hahaha! Talk about first picture of the new year! January 1st 2009, Me and Kar went sledding! So much fun! Haha man we both look so different! It's crazy!

I HAD A BABY!... not.
this thing was freakin HELL!
Meet the Flintstones! Boys Pref 09! Funnest dance of my life with my best friend Russell!
Sweet Hearts 2009 :)
5.17.09... I cut off all my hair :( Still regrettin it.. buh eh! What can ya do!
Yearbook Signing Stomp! Russell, Me and Shon!
The Boys all graduated! :) Missions here they come! So Proud!
Russell Raleigh.. I've known this boy for most of my life! and we've been through so much together! From me being madddly in love with him back in Sunday School... ♥, to middle school, when he came from HOME SCHOOOOOL! Hahaha! Jk Russ! He's always been there for me for everything, thick and thin! He let me cry on his shoulder over stupid boys to when we had to go be super spies on people! I love this kid so much! and i miss all of our good times. Thats all.
Ran a 5k with Alex! Waaaay great experience! This is the group we ran it with, "Girls on the Run"

Grandma and Grandpa Leavitt celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary! Kudos to them! Ha.. I love these two people so much! and I hope to one day have a marriage even half as good as theirs!
The gang on the 24th of July at Day Break!

End of one of the BEST summers of my life...
Girls at the first football game of the season! Go WOLVES!

Flota, Me and Lei Lei on the first couple days of school! :)
It feels so weird to say I'M A SENIOR!.. in my last year of high school.. graduating soon... becoming an ADULT! Soooo scary to think about! But i'm so excited for it all to begin. My high school years have been amazing and I know i'll graduate with some of the BEST memories, and i know it's only gonna get better! I'm so ready to start MY LIFE, so much i wanna do and experience! I'm so excited!

Bessssst powderpuff team ever! Go Diablos! We took 4th!

Homecoming Game! We dominated!
Annddd Homecoming Dance with Jaaakey! Super fun!
Ha like our staches?

I turned the big 18 on October 16th, and it was by far the best birthday EVER! Mom and Dad decorated my car! I'm talking window paint, balloons, the full 9 yards! It was super awesome and i loved drivin into the school parking lot that day!
My great birthday ended with a way fun surprise party my friends and mom put together It was a blast!

My Cousin Haylee had the most handsome little baby boy Konner! He's gonna be such a stud! I love my cousin so much, she is such an amazing lil mama :)
First Sledding experience of the Season! and it was great! Alex, Sandi Balls, and I

Date to Classic! Sooooo fun!
Took Cassidy Kaylynn Rice's Gual Bertos Virginity last night!! She loved it!
Well.. that about sums up the last year..

I HAD A BABY!... not.
this thing was freakin HELL!


Flota, Me and Lei Lei on the first couple days of school! :)
It feels so weird to say I'M A SENIOR!.. in my last year of high school.. graduating soon... becoming an ADULT! Soooo scary to think about! But i'm so excited for it all to begin. My high school years have been amazing and I know i'll graduate with some of the BEST memories, and i know it's only gonna get better! I'm so ready to start MY LIFE, so much i wanna do and experience! I'm so excited!

Homecoming Game! We dominated!
Annddd Homecoming Dance with Jaaakey! Super fun!
Ha like our staches?

I turned the big 18 on October 16th, and it was by far the best birthday EVER! Mom and Dad decorated my car! I'm talking window paint, balloons, the full 9 yards! It was super awesome and i loved drivin into the school parking lot that day!
My great birthday ended with a way fun surprise party my friends and mom put together It was a blast!

My Cousin Haylee had the most handsome little baby boy Konner! He's gonna be such a stud! I love my cousin so much, she is such an amazing lil mama :)

Well.. that about sums up the last year..
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