I haven't written on this in forever cuz things have just been way crazy and I have had ZERO free time on my hands. So much has gone on and happened. Guess what? So I'm uh.. in COLLEGE! How weird is that?? Ya it's freaking me out a little too! But I'm loving every second of it! I'm down in Ephraim at Snow College home of the Baaaadgers!

Oh ya, fierce I know hahah :) But I love it down here! Everyone is so friendly down here! It's so great :) But it is a little bittersweet being on my own. I miss my family and friends so much! It's a good thing two of my best friends Kacey and Cass go down here with me or I'd be so depressed haha but we're having such a blast down here! I love my new roomies! We have two brunettes two blondes and two red heads B.R.B baby! N78 Shawties! Always ready to party!

Basically I love my new roomie Emily! She's basically the ugliest thing ever. no really, so ugly its like terrifying. Okay.. okay.. thats a total lie she's probably the prettiest girl I've ever met and I totally hate her for it. We call her Comp. short for COMPETITION. hahah Em said the funniest thing the other day, "I just want a big black man that will treat me good and not hit me". It was so funny I just about died. My other room mates are way fun and way good cooks which is good cuz I never have time to cook. Oh and our microwave is broken... way lovely I know haha but besides that everything is just fantastic. Oh besides the fact that the two math books I bought are the WRONG ones and I don't even need them and now I have to go buy all new ones with money I DON'T have. Ugggghhhhhh :( Anyways on a brighter side everything else is great! I love it down here! Every night there is something going on. Movie in the park, Comedy Sports, Block Party and tonight there's a pep rally and bonfire and tomorrow is the first game! I'm soooo excited :) Right after the game is over I'm headin back to the 801 for Brian Tyrrell's farewell... :( So weird he's actually leaving. I've known this was coming for 3 years but it's weird that he's really leaving.. I'm gonna miss my best friend so much :( But I'm so proud of him and he'll do great! :)