Thursday, December 30, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
God doesn't give you the people you want, He gives you the people you NEED. To help you, to hurt you, to leave you, to love you and to make you into the person you were meant to be..♥
Kacey Alaina Stackhouse aka my BFF aka my sister!
"I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. I love you not only for what you have made of yourself, but for what you are making of me. I love you for the part of me that you bring out...."
This girl is my other half, she has been my best friend for over 6 years! We met on the first day of 7th grade, we both thought each other were sluts. (we were both wearing miniskirts, oh jr high...) But over the years our friendship has blossomed into more of a sisterhood. I know I can tell Kacey anything and her vise versa. She can always make me laugh whenever I need it the most. Kacey has a way of just giving me a look that can make me smile. She is who I run to when anything is bothering me and I know for a fact she will be there to listen and give me advce and she always lets me vent to her about boys. Haha Kacey is the kind of girl where if I don't like a person, she'll dislike them 10 x's more! haha she's just that great! Me and Kacey have had THE BEST MEMORIES together and I cannot wait for the more to come. I can't wait until one day my little girl marries her little boy and it is going to just be great! I don't even want to think about where I would be if we wouldn't of met. She has made me into the person I am today, and I love her for that.
Elder Brian Dell Tyrrell! My little Bri-Bear! Sucks having your best friend gone for 2 years :( This kid and me have been through every up and down you could possibly imagine and after three years we still care about each other. Brian is one of the most amazing people I have ever met! Anyone who knows Brian can vouche for this also, he is the funniest kid in the whole world. He can make anyone in the world laugh. He's made me the happiest girl in the world. I have had the best memories of my life with this kid. Times I will never forget. Haha when we first started dating Brian would text me, WHEN WE WERE TOGETHER asking if he could kiss me. I think the exact text was "smoochie?!?" So romantic huh.. haha :) When I look back on the last couple years, he's basically all I see. No one can make me laugh like he can. I've learned so much from Brian and he's made me into the person I am today. I know no matter what happens with us, he will always be there for me. Best friends fo life!
BIG AL! Wow.. I don't even know what to say about this girl besides BOO LOVES HER MOO! (No fat joke intended Alex) Alex and me met Jr Year of High School, our lockers were right next to each other. And all I have to say is I'm so glad Alex is her overly social self or else we probably wouldn't of gone to lunch together that first day of school and fallin madly in friendship.(alex probably laughed at that dumb joke.) I love how you do random dance routines in public places. People just love being around Alex cuz she has the best personality! I'm pretty sure Alex is the funniest person I've ever known! And HELLLOOOO, her laugh! It's just contagious! Alex can be laughing about something completely not funny and everyone around her will join in, not because of the funny thing but just because of Alex's laugh. It is the best, and I miss it so much. Who am I kidding? I miss her soooo much! My every day life just isn't the same without her! I wish we didn't live so far away from each other.. cuz honestly I feel like she's forgetting me :( Sob story I know but I just miss her a lot. Yes, Alex I hope you read this. I was never as up front with things as you so this is my easy way out. haha! Love you Alex and I hope you know I am SO proud of everything you have been doing! I couldn't be more excited for you to get baptized! I'm so happy for you!!!
My grandparents are the most amazing people in the whole entire world!My grandma is the most beautiful woman I have ever known, she carries herself with such class, I admire that so much. My grandpa is such a gentleman, I hope to have an amazing of husband as him some day. They are the most selfless people I know! I could ask for better grandparents, they are such amazing examples for me. My life revolves around them and I can't imagine life without them
RUSSELL FREAKIN MUSCLE! Elder Raleigh! Russell has been in my life for so long! Me and Russell have been friends for over 15 years! We go back to the good old Sunday School Days when I was in love with him! I used to tattle tell on Russell for opening his eyes during the prayer. I can honestly say Russell is my best friend. Anyone who knows Russell can vouch that he is by far the funniest kid alive. He just has a contagious personality that just makes everyone around him happy! I know no matter what me and Russell are doing it is going to be one of the funniest days of my life! Funny story, one random summer night me and Russell were trying to think of fun little random things to do and we decided we should stay at Walmart until it closed and then rule Walmart when no one was there. We devised a whole plan, we even went and looked at the bins in the storage section to see if they were big enough for us to fit in, after much consideration on the plan we realized walmart never cloeses, haha the end. Love this boy!
Elder Paul Fisher! aka Swisha Fisha! Paul is the biggest sweetheart you will ever meet! I know I can count on Paul to always be there to make any bad day turn good. Paul is such an amazing person and I am so blessed to have him in my life. This kid is my heroooo! miss him so much!!!
Cassidy freakin Rice. Wow... what is there to say about Cassidy! This girl amazes me. We have been friends for over 4 years now but just over this last year did we become very close, and now we are roommates together at Snow College. All I can say is there is no one else I would rather wake up every morning! Ha! Just kidding! Cassidy is such an amazing person, she is the funniest girl you will ever meet. I love her sooooo much, she is one of my very best friends! I hope she knows she is such an amazing example to me. Just being around her can brighten my day! Oh and she has the worst farts!!! :) hahahaha...
Sydney "Sugar Daddy" Monson: Sydney and I met over this last summer at Lake Powell because our aunt and uncles are friends and all I can say is I am sooo happy to have met her. Everything happens for a reason and I know for a fact there was a reason we met this last summer and that is because she is meant to be in my life. I love her so much, she has the funniest personality and I know every time I am with her there is bound to be 1000 laughs! Syd is like a wiser, smarter big(little) sister who I know I could come to with anything and she will always give me the best advice!! Sydney is the biggest sweetheart, it's impossible for someone to not love her! "LOVE YOU KIMMY!"
Oh West Valley Boys... Where would I be without you? Probably a little more sane! Haha just kidding! Wow me and these boys go waaaay back! What was it? Like 8th grade or something!! Wow so many memories with these boys! Ones I wouldn't trade for the world!! I love you guys so much and I miss you more then you know.
Granny Pack!!!! La La Looooove you! Me and Gratten have been friends since what... 4th grade? I love this kid more then anything because I know he's always there to listen to anything me and Kacey whine at him. Gratten is an amazing photographer and I know he has a wonderful future in front of him and I hope one day when he's big n face and he still remembers me enough to buy me a car or something? haha Love you Grat!
I'm blessed with so many amazing people in my life and I am so thankful for them! ♥

"I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. I love you not only for what you have made of yourself, but for what you are making of me. I love you for the part of me that you bring out...."
This girl is my other half, she has been my best friend for over 6 years! We met on the first day of 7th grade, we both thought each other were sluts. (we were both wearing miniskirts, oh jr high...) But over the years our friendship has blossomed into more of a sisterhood. I know I can tell Kacey anything and her vise versa. She can always make me laugh whenever I need it the most. Kacey has a way of just giving me a look that can make me smile. She is who I run to when anything is bothering me and I know for a fact she will be there to listen and give me advce and she always lets me vent to her about boys. Haha Kacey is the kind of girl where if I don't like a person, she'll dislike them 10 x's more! haha she's just that great! Me and Kacey have had THE BEST MEMORIES together and I cannot wait for the more to come. I can't wait until one day my little girl marries her little boy and it is going to just be great! I don't even want to think about where I would be if we wouldn't of met. She has made me into the person I am today, and I love her for that.

I'm blessed with so many amazing people in my life and I am so thankful for them! ♥
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
This the Season to be THANKFUL
I love this time of the year! I love the fall weather, I love family and of course I love a holiday, which is basically surrounded around the art of eating. Now that is my kind of holiday!
This time of year really makes a person think about everything they are blessed with.I love my parents! They are the most amazing selfless people I know and I feel so blessed to be raised by such outstanding people.
My mom is the most amazing woman in my life! I don’t know what I would do without her. I know I can count on her for absolutely anything. She is my rock, plain and simple I would die without her. She is a very big people person, she has to talk to everyone she comes in contact with. She becomes best friends with people in the line at the grocery store. I admire her so much for her kindness towards everyone. I’ve never heard my mom say one bad thing about anyone.

I love my Papa Bear! My dad is the best man in my life. He tries to come off as big and tough but really he’s a such a sweetheart. I love my dad’s laugh, there’s nothing funnier to be then seeing my dad laugh so hard he forgets to breathe and his face turns pure red, The Office is definitely something that will do that to him, he loves his Office. I love my dad because he's always there for me through everything. I know if I ever needed him he'd be there in a second!

I love my parents more then they could ever know! I appreciate every little thing they do for me even though sometimes I neglect to tell that that..
This time of year really makes a person think about everything they are blessed with.I love my parents! They are the most amazing selfless people I know and I feel so blessed to be raised by such outstanding people.
My mom is the most amazing woman in my life! I don’t know what I would do without her. I know I can count on her for absolutely anything. She is my rock, plain and simple I would die without her. She is a very big people person, she has to talk to everyone she comes in contact with. She becomes best friends with people in the line at the grocery store. I admire her so much for her kindness towards everyone. I’ve never heard my mom say one bad thing about anyone.

I love my Papa Bear! My dad is the best man in my life. He tries to come off as big and tough but really he’s a such a sweetheart. I love my dad’s laugh, there’s nothing funnier to be then seeing my dad laugh so hard he forgets to breathe and his face turns pure red, The Office is definitely something that will do that to him, he loves his Office. I love my dad because he's always there for me through everything. I know if I ever needed him he'd be there in a second!

I love my parents more then they could ever know! I appreciate every little thing they do for me even though sometimes I neglect to tell that that..
Friday, August 27, 2010
Bye Bye Mommy
Wow... Hey it's me Sam!
I haven't written on this in forever cuz things have just been way crazy and I have had ZERO free time on my hands. So much has gone on and happened. Guess what? So I'm uh.. in COLLEGE! How weird is that?? Ya it's freaking me out a little too! But I'm loving every second of it! I'm down in Ephraim at Snow College home of the Baaaadgers!

Oh ya, fierce I know hahah :) But I love it down here! Everyone is so friendly down here! It's so great :) But it is a little bittersweet being on my own. I miss my family and friends so much! It's a good thing two of my best friends Kacey and Cass go down here with me or I'd be so depressed haha but we're having such a blast down here! I love my new roomies! We have two brunettes two blondes and two red heads B.R.B baby! N78 Shawties! Always ready to party!

Basically I love my new roomie Emily! She's basically the ugliest thing ever. no really, so ugly its like terrifying. Okay.. okay.. thats a total lie she's probably the prettiest girl I've ever met and I totally hate her for it. We call her Comp. short for COMPETITION. hahah Em said the funniest thing the other day, "I just want a big black man that will treat me good and not hit me". It was so funny I just about died. My other room mates are way fun and way good cooks which is good cuz I never have time to cook. Oh and our microwave is broken... way lovely I know haha but besides that everything is just fantastic. Oh besides the fact that the two math books I bought are the WRONG ones and I don't even need them and now I have to go buy all new ones with money I DON'T have. Ugggghhhhhh :( Anyways on a brighter side everything else is great! I love it down here! Every night there is something going on. Movie in the park, Comedy Sports, Block Party and tonight there's a pep rally and bonfire and tomorrow is the first game! I'm soooo excited :) Right after the game is over I'm headin back to the 801 for Brian Tyrrell's farewell... :( So weird he's actually leaving. I've known this was coming for 3 years but it's weird that he's really leaving.. I'm gonna miss my best friend so much :( But I'm so proud of him and he'll do great! :)
I haven't written on this in forever cuz things have just been way crazy and I have had ZERO free time on my hands. So much has gone on and happened. Guess what? So I'm uh.. in COLLEGE! How weird is that?? Ya it's freaking me out a little too! But I'm loving every second of it! I'm down in Ephraim at Snow College home of the Baaaadgers!

Oh ya, fierce I know hahah :) But I love it down here! Everyone is so friendly down here! It's so great :) But it is a little bittersweet being on my own. I miss my family and friends so much! It's a good thing two of my best friends Kacey and Cass go down here with me or I'd be so depressed haha but we're having such a blast down here! I love my new roomies! We have two brunettes two blondes and two red heads B.R.B baby! N78 Shawties! Always ready to party!

Basically I love my new roomie Emily! She's basically the ugliest thing ever. no really, so ugly its like terrifying. Okay.. okay.. thats a total lie she's probably the prettiest girl I've ever met and I totally hate her for it. We call her Comp. short for COMPETITION. hahah Em said the funniest thing the other day, "I just want a big black man that will treat me good and not hit me". It was so funny I just about died. My other room mates are way fun and way good cooks which is good cuz I never have time to cook. Oh and our microwave is broken... way lovely I know haha but besides that everything is just fantastic. Oh besides the fact that the two math books I bought are the WRONG ones and I don't even need them and now I have to go buy all new ones with money I DON'T have. Ugggghhhhhh :( Anyways on a brighter side everything else is great! I love it down here! Every night there is something going on. Movie in the park, Comedy Sports, Block Party and tonight there's a pep rally and bonfire and tomorrow is the first game! I'm soooo excited :) Right after the game is over I'm headin back to the 801 for Brian Tyrrell's farewell... :( So weird he's actually leaving. I've known this was coming for 3 years but it's weird that he's really leaving.. I'm gonna miss my best friend so much :( But I'm so proud of him and he'll do great! :)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

So far Summer 2010 has been GREAT! Can't wait for the rest of it! ♥ Ahh.. A Summer I'll never forget!
p.s Elder Raleigh is doing great! I got a huge letter from him and he's loving the MTC! I knew he would, so proud of him! :) Awww!
Monday, May 31, 2010
Dear North Carolina, can I have my best friend back?
Russell left on Wednesday..
I went over on Tuesday night after he'd been set up apart to say good bye to my best friend for two whole years. It was the hardest thing of my life! It felt so weird not being able to hug him. I was fighting back the urge. Luckily, Alexa was there for me to cry with and she gave me tons of "Russell Hugs". It's woird to think he's really gone. I just keep wanting to go over to his house or text him about any little thing. I already miss our night time walks so much! I wish I could have my best friend back... But I know Russell made the right decision. He is going to make such a difference in so many people's lives and he's going to change them for the better. I'm so proud of him. But that doesn't make me miss him any less...."His absence is more to me than any other's presence."

Saturday, May 8, 2010
It's funny how for you to get over the saddest part of your life.. you have to live your happiest.
I'm so freakin happy right now! Life couldn't get any better! School year's almost out, SUMMER here I come! Gradeeeation is nearing sooner and sooner! Freakin me out mucho! But I'll be okay! My Best friend of life is leaving for his mission in 2 and a half weeks. Pretty sure I'm gonna DIE! But I'm so proud and excited for him! He's gonna do so great! I LOVE YOU RUSSELL RALEIGH!
Us before seeing Iron Man 2! Love my bessst friend!
I love my life and the people in it! Best Friends for EVER! I'd die with out you guys!
Alexa, Kacey and Me ♥
I'm so freakin happy right now! Life couldn't get any better! School year's almost out, SUMMER here I come! Gradeeeation is nearing sooner and sooner! Freakin me out mucho! But I'll be okay! My Best friend of life is leaving for his mission in 2 and a half weeks. Pretty sure I'm gonna DIE! But I'm so proud and excited for him! He's gonna do so great! I LOVE YOU RUSSELL RALEIGH!

I love my life and the people in it! Best Friends for EVER! I'd die with out you guys!

Saturday, April 10, 2010
"The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past; you can't go forward in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches."
I'm starting to realize that I'm the kind of person that holds on to stuff way too tight. I hate the thought of giving up on anything or anyone. I always keep the thought in the back of my head that some day it WILL get better. I'm coming to terms with the possibility that sometimes somethings don't always work out.. You don't always get what you want. And as much as you love someone, you can't always guarantee that you can keep each other happy. Somethings in our lives are meant to be just temporary.. things happen to you, people happen to you, all for reasons.. Everything happens for a reason... to teach you and help you grow. People have come in and out of my life, each leaving a mark and making me into the person I am today
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010
So in the past two weeks TWO of my BEST guy friends got their mission calls!
Russell Grant Raleigh to serve the beautiful RALEIGH NORTH, CAROLINA MISSION
Russell Grant Raleigh to serve the beautiful RALEIGH NORTH, CAROLINA MISSION

Russell leaves on May 26th! Week before Graduation :'( I'm going to miss him so much! He's been my friend since I was like 4! Idk what I'm gonna do without him!
My other friend Paul Fisher got his call to Durban, South Africa!

Paul leaves the July 7th!
I'm so proud of these future missionaries for choosing to serve the Lord for two whole years of their life. This is all so bitter sweet! I'm so excited for my best friends, but I don't know how I'm going to survive without them :(
My other friend Paul Fisher got his call to Durban, South Africa!

I'm so proud of these future missionaries for choosing to serve the Lord for two whole years of their life. This is all so bitter sweet! I'm so excited for my best friends, but I don't know how I'm going to survive without them :(
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Everything Happens for a Reason!
I'm trying to make this my Motto, buuuut sometimes it's a little difficult. It's sucks when things don't go the way you want them to, but I've decided i need to toughen up and accept it! I love my life and the people in it and there's no reason to be unhappy. I have the best family a girl could ask for and I wouldn't change my friends for the world. I'm healthy, everyone I care about is healthy, and Channing Tatum is still single! What else could a girl ask for!?? Nothing, I know! haha Everyday is an ADVENTURE and I'm so excited for all of them! I'm done with regrets and holding back, life is too short to not live everyday to it's fullest! I'm so thankful for everyday I am given and the people i get to share it with! People have come in and out of my life, each leaving a little mark and each making me into the person I am today. I love them for that....Right?
So here's a little personal promise to myself for no more regrets, no more of caring about people in my past; there's a reason they didn't make it to my future, no more holding back and caring about what others think, no more holding stuuupid grudges against people and last but definetly most important NO MORE BEING UNHAPPY!
Thursday, March 4, 2010

Can I pleeeease just say how much I LOVED this movie! It was sooo adorable! It totally made me boy-hungry! Haha all of my friends and I were talking about how much we just want a relationship like this,(minus the whole part about him going off to war for YEARS, of course!) But we just wanna be swept off our feet in a whirlwind relationship like this! So listen boys, take note. You need to start walking chick flicks.. they're very educational for you. Let guys like Edward/Jacob, John and Noah(Notebook) be your guy's role models. :) That's all.
Life's been suuuuper crazy lately, and I'm loving every minute of it! Time is freakin flying though. Two days ago was the 3 month mark before graduation! CRAZY! I'm seriously starting to freak out! There's soooo much to do! I'm really working hard to save as much money as I can, for my edumacation in all. And father is convincing me to get the 2nd job. Woooo, bringing home the bacon!
Life's been suuuuper crazy lately, and I'm loving every minute of it! Time is freakin flying though. Two days ago was the 3 month mark before graduation! CRAZY! I'm seriously starting to freak out! There's soooo much to do! I'm really working hard to save as much money as I can, for my edumacation in all. And father is convincing me to get the 2nd job. Woooo, bringing home the bacon!
Russell Raleigh,
my BEST friend turned in his mission papers this last suuunday! Waaahhhhh! I just don't know how to feel about this yet. I am SO proud of him and so happy he made the decision to go, but i'm gonna miss him SO much! I've had him be there for me for like the last 14 years, it's gonna be so weird not seeing him for 2 whole years.. Totally bittersweet.

Photography by Sambo.
(He'll probably kill me for posting this :))
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Dear Prince Charming... where are you?
I want a guy that will sing with me in the car at the top of his lungs! I want a guy who loves going to my grandparents as much as i do! I want a guy who loves animals, especially dogs! Cuz i definetly need a guy that will go save strays with me! I want a guy that isn't afraid to kiss me in front of his friends. I want a guy who will text me first. Not all the time, but most ;) I want a guy who will watch chick flick lovey dovey movies with me and isn't afraid to cry in front of me! Haha hopefully just not more then me... I want a guy who surprises me with little cute things like notes on my car or just phone calls to say he misses me. I want a guy that will hold my hand, NO matter where we are! I want a guy that will call me to say goodnight. I want a cuddler :) I want a guy who's family i LOVE, and i want him to like my family too! I want a guy who loves kids, there's nothing cuter to me then when a guy can get a little kid to laugh. I want a guy who isn't afraid to dance with me, everywhere!! But especially under street lights (The Notebook inspired of course) I want a guy that isn't a couch potatoe/home body! I want some one who loves adventure and trying new things!
I guess some people can call me a lil picky ;)
I want a guy that will sing with me in the car at the top of his lungs! I want a guy who loves going to my grandparents as much as i do! I want a guy who loves animals, especially dogs! Cuz i definetly need a guy that will go save strays with me! I want a guy that isn't afraid to kiss me in front of his friends. I want a guy who will text me first. Not all the time, but most ;) I want a guy who will watch chick flick lovey dovey movies with me and isn't afraid to cry in front of me! Haha hopefully just not more then me... I want a guy who surprises me with little cute things like notes on my car or just phone calls to say he misses me. I want a guy that will hold my hand, NO matter where we are! I want a guy that will call me to say goodnight. I want a cuddler :) I want a guy who's family i LOVE, and i want him to like my family too! I want a guy who loves kids, there's nothing cuter to me then when a guy can get a little kid to laugh. I want a guy who isn't afraid to dance with me, everywhere!! But especially under street lights (The Notebook inspired of course) I want a guy that isn't a couch potatoe/home body! I want some one who loves adventure and trying new things!
I guess some people can call me a lil picky ;)
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Oh The Memories...
I think the new year isn't just about Resolutions and things you wanna change, but i also think its about remembering everything great that's happened over the last year and to be thankful for everything you've got.
Grandma making an amazing recovery after her close call last fall, She's now healthy as a horse and now doing even better then before! Who'd guess this Hot Tamale is 81! Love her soooo much! Her courage and strength amazes me every day! She's amazing!
Miss Grandma Ellie sooooo much! It's still weird to think that she's gone. I'd give anything to just be able to go downstairs and see her in her little rocker doing a word search. I miss the smell of her baking so much, cuz it used to always drift upstairs.(well maybe not the smell of cabbage stuff she used to always make, haha Not a fan!) But i feel so comforted knowing her and Grandpa Philip are up in Heaven watching over the whole family!
Hahaha! Talk about first picture of the new year! January 1st 2009, Me and Kar went sledding! So much fun! Haha man we both look so different! It's crazy!

I HAD A BABY!... not.
this thing was freakin HELL!
Meet the Flintstones! Boys Pref 09! Funnest dance of my life with my best friend Russell!
Sweet Hearts 2009 :)
5.17.09... I cut off all my hair :( Still regrettin it.. buh eh! What can ya do!
Yearbook Signing Stomp! Russell, Me and Shon!
The Boys all graduated! :) Missions here they come! So Proud!
Russell Raleigh.. I've known this boy for most of my life! and we've been through so much together! From me being madddly in love with him back in Sunday School... ♥, to middle school, when he came from HOME SCHOOOOOL! Hahaha! Jk Russ! He's always been there for me for everything, thick and thin! He let me cry on his shoulder over stupid boys to when we had to go be super spies on people! I love this kid so much! and i miss all of our good times. Thats all.
Ran a 5k with Alex! Waaaay great experience! This is the group we ran it with, "Girls on the Run"

Grandma and Grandpa Leavitt celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary! Kudos to them! Ha.. I love these two people so much! and I hope to one day have a marriage even half as good as theirs!
The gang on the 24th of July at Day Break!

End of one of the BEST summers of my life...
Girls at the first football game of the season! Go WOLVES!

Flota, Me and Lei Lei on the first couple days of school! :)
It feels so weird to say I'M A SENIOR!.. in my last year of high school.. graduating soon... becoming an ADULT! Soooo scary to think about! But i'm so excited for it all to begin. My high school years have been amazing and I know i'll graduate with some of the BEST memories, and i know it's only gonna get better! I'm so ready to start MY LIFE, so much i wanna do and experience! I'm so excited!

Bessssst powderpuff team ever! Go Diablos! We took 4th!

Homecoming Game! We dominated!
Annddd Homecoming Dance with Jaaakey! Super fun!
Ha like our staches?

I turned the big 18 on October 16th, and it was by far the best birthday EVER! Mom and Dad decorated my car! I'm talking window paint, balloons, the full 9 yards! It was super awesome and i loved drivin into the school parking lot that day!
My great birthday ended with a way fun surprise party my friends and mom put together It was a blast!

My Cousin Haylee had the most handsome little baby boy Konner! He's gonna be such a stud! I love my cousin so much, she is such an amazing lil mama :)
First Sledding experience of the Season! and it was great! Alex, Sandi Balls, and I

Date to Classic! Sooooo fun!
Took Cassidy Kaylynn Rice's Gual Bertos Virginity last night!! She loved it!
Well.. that about sums up the last year..

I HAD A BABY!... not.
this thing was freakin HELL!


Flota, Me and Lei Lei on the first couple days of school! :)
It feels so weird to say I'M A SENIOR!.. in my last year of high school.. graduating soon... becoming an ADULT! Soooo scary to think about! But i'm so excited for it all to begin. My high school years have been amazing and I know i'll graduate with some of the BEST memories, and i know it's only gonna get better! I'm so ready to start MY LIFE, so much i wanna do and experience! I'm so excited!

Homecoming Game! We dominated!
Annddd Homecoming Dance with Jaaakey! Super fun!
Ha like our staches?

I turned the big 18 on October 16th, and it was by far the best birthday EVER! Mom and Dad decorated my car! I'm talking window paint, balloons, the full 9 yards! It was super awesome and i loved drivin into the school parking lot that day!
My great birthday ended with a way fun surprise party my friends and mom put together It was a blast!

My Cousin Haylee had the most handsome little baby boy Konner! He's gonna be such a stud! I love my cousin so much, she is such an amazing lil mama :)

Well.. that about sums up the last year..
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