This time of year really makes a person think about everything they are blessed with.I love my parents! They are the most amazing selfless people I know and I feel so blessed to be raised by such outstanding people.
My mom is the most amazing woman in my life! I don’t know what I would do without her. I know I can count on her for absolutely anything. She is my rock, plain and simple I would die without her. She is a very big people person, she has to talk to everyone she comes in contact with. She becomes best friends with people in the line at the grocery store. I admire her so much for her kindness towards everyone. I’ve never heard my mom say one bad thing about anyone.

I love my Papa Bear! My dad is the best man in my life. He tries to come off as big and tough but really he’s a such a sweetheart. I love my dad’s laugh, there’s nothing funnier to be then seeing my dad laugh so hard he forgets to breathe and his face turns pure red, The Office is definitely something that will do that to him, he loves his Office. I love my dad because he's always there for me through everything. I know if I ever needed him he'd be there in a second!

I love my parents more then they could ever know! I appreciate every little thing they do for me even though sometimes I neglect to tell that that..
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