Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day 6. 5 ways to my heart

1. You have to have a sense of humor and great personality. I can't stand those boys that have to always be "serious." You have to be able to make me laugh! I want a boy that will laugh at me about stupid things that happened weeks ago! A boy who isn't afraid to be himself in front of whoever we are with. I'm a total sucker for goof balls, if you can make me laugh, it's hook-line-and sinker from there! I honestly can say that a great personality means so much more to me then 6 perfectly chizzled abs. Good looks are great n all, but the body of a god and the personality of a rock is NOT my type! Honestly, one of the BIGGEST turn offs for me is when a boy says he "can't" dance! Come on, EVERYONE CAN DANCE! Loosen up a little!

2. My family has to like you! Family means a lot to me and I know from personal experience how downhill a relationship can go if there's problems with each other's family. You have to be able to get along with my Dad, he scares most boys half to death. But once you get past his 6'9 height and that huge mustache; he's just one big teddy bear! Another thing is you have to get along with my parents. I could spend all day with them and you have to want to spend time with them too! My family is the most important people in my life and you have to get along with them great!

3. I want a sweetheart! I am in love with love, aka the "gaggy" stuff, I freakin love it! I need a boy that cares about the little things, like phone calls before he goes to bed just to say good night, little notes on my car, or flowers just cuz it's Tuesday! I'm a total romantic, and I need a boy who is too!

4. I want a boy who tells me I'm beautiful in sweats, a hoodie and my hair on top of my head. Someone I can be my total self around and not have to worry about him thinking I'm weird or something.

5. Honesty is KEY! I already have really bad trust issues when it comes to guys! Don't lie, just fess up and tell the trust because in the end lying will hurt worse. I am done with all the "John Tuckers" I am looking for a Noah!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I miss summer and this woman right here!!

1. I want some Lemonade pie, when you made it that one time, I left before it was done freezing :(
2. Can we be tan already?
3. I'm sooooo glad someone else's feet suffer from sock-suffocation too!
4.I wanna hike Timp with youuu!
5.Can we go to the temple a lot?
6.There's more... but I really gotta get ready for class right about now

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 5. 6 Things you wish you could change.

It's always been a goal of mine to live my life with no regrets but I know deep down there is definitely some things I wish I could change. My decisions have gotten me to where I am today, and even though I am very happy with who I am today there is still somethings that I wish could of panned out differently..

1. Not spending more time with my grandparents while I was home! I wish so badly I could go back and I would of spent every spare moment with them! No I have to wait for the weekends I go home to see them, I miss them so much! And also I wish I would of spent more time with my Grandma Ellie when she was alive, I took her for granted and I wish I could change that.

2. How I treat my parents/siblings! My parents would do absolutely ANYTHING for me and still some times I treat them like dirt. It is a goal of mine to always appreaciate my parents and make sure now they know how much they mean to me. I wish so badly that I could take back all of the STUPID fights with my siblings and that we could of gotten along better.

3. Take back all the stupid fights I've had with my closest friends. Exhibit A: Alex Armstrong! I wish so badly I could take back how we were at the beginning on Senior year and how we were at the end. I was being a selfish stupid brat at the times when I needed you most! I'm so sorry Alex! On the plus side, those fights made me realize how important you are with me and I hope we NEVER fight again!

4. Not being on good terms with Brian the summer before he left, don't get me wrong I don't regret dating other people that summer because I grew from that and learned so much from doing so. I just wish me and Brian just could of been friends though during that because by the time we were back on speaking terms he was living in a month. But everything happens for a reason. That summer made me appreciate the amazing guy he is so much more!

5. I wish I could go back and do all of the things I missed out on. All of those great opportunities I passed up.

6. I wish I grew up more in the church so it wouldn't be all so confusing to understand now!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Day 4. 7 Things that cross my mind a lot

1. The future: What's to come... The future kinda scares me because I'm so unsure of what will come but I also cannot wait to find out where my life takes me!

2. Money! Ah, I wish I had more of it so I never had to worry where I'll get money for this or for that.

3. My grandparents, they are the most amazing people I know! They are both 82, they are pretty healthy but their age scares me! I don't even want to imagine what my life would be like without them, it makes me so sad! I hope they know how much I love them and how much they will always mean to me.

4. Who I will marry, I know... soooo stupid to think about considering I'm only 19 but I can't help it. It crosses my mind all the time. I wish I could just know who I will be with so I don't hurt people right now

5. The world around me, like the people in Japan.. I wish somehow I could help make a real difference for their lives.

6. My family, they're always on my mind, I always worry about them and I wish I could help them make better choices

7. My body, I wish I could change the way it looked

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Day 3: 8 people that mean a lot to you.

1. My mom! My mom is the most amazing woman I know. She is the most caring and selfless person, she puts EVERYONE before herself! My mom is the kind of woman who can make a best friend just standing in the line at Walmart. My mom LOVES to talk, to everyone! She has the greatest personality and it just shines though in everything she does. I know my mom supports me in everything thing I do and she will always be there for me for anything

2. My Daddy! This 6'9 hunk-oh-man is my Papa Bear! I love this guy more than anything! He is the most important guy in my life no matter what! I know my dad would be there through ANYTHING and everything! My dad is the most protective man in the world, he's my body guard. He is my protector and I know he'd always keep me safe. My

3. My Grandparents! They are the most amazing people I know! They are the biggest sweethearts, both of them! I can't imagine my life without them!

4. My siblings! I know we don't get along very well most of the time but I love these 3 people more than anything! Even though we argue a lot I know that in the end they have my back! <3 you guys!!

5. Alex Arm! Best friend of life! All of my favorite memories you were right there by my side! You are an amazing person and I admire so many of your qualities! I'm so blessed to have you in my life! Thanks for always listening to me and helping me through all my trials!

6. Kacey Stack! Best friend of 7 years! You are the greatest, love you girl!

7. Sydster and Da Cr3w! I've only known you guys a few months but I am so thankful to have you all in my life! Especially you Syd, I love you with all my heart! You are like a big sister to me.. a big sister who is a midget, but still a big sister! You are so amazing and I am so glad I met you!

8. Wussell Wolly aka Russell Raleigh! Best friend of 15 years! You are such a stud and always there for me through everything! I miss you so much!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day 2: 9 things about yourself

1. I love to rescue dogs. Whenever I see a dog running around in the street or something it breaks my heart and I always have to pull over and get their number off their collar and find their home. That's actually how I got my dog Pebbles that I have now, I didn't intend to keep her but I never found her owner.

2. I'm a total romantic. It's kinda ridiculous how in love with love I am!

3. I love babies and old people. The people in the middle are alright, but babies and old people are my favorite!

4. I gag when I take out the trash, I seriously have the worst gag reflexes in the world but I never really throw up... Just lots of gagging!

5. Believe it or not, but I'm a natural blonde. I've been dying my hair since like 6th grade! I've been almost every color, I recently went back blonde my Senior year. NO BUENO! I definitely dig being a brunette more!

6. In 1st grade I broke my femur jumping on the tramp, on my mom's birthday. I was in a body cast for 4 months! IT WAS AWESOME!

7. My Grandma Judy is my BEST FRIEND! I know I could go for her about anything and she would always be there for me. She supports me in everything I do. She is such an amazing example to me and I look up to her so much.

8. I have no clue where my life is going, but I am loving the journey of finding out. Every day is an adventure! No regrets! I love new experiences and meeting new people. "Life is a beach, and I'm just playing in the sand" :)

9. I'm the biggest Batman fan you will ever meet.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


I'm such a sucker for these day challenge thingys! Love em!!

Day 1:
Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.

1. You are such an amazing example to me. You are as beautiful inside as you are on the outside, I strive to be more like you everyday. You are the strongest woman I know and I know NOTHING can keep you down. You are the one person I know who can bring me up when I am at my lowest. You can make me laugh when I just want to bawl. You are my best friend. You and your husband's marriage has always been the greatest example to me, I hope to have a marriage just like your guys some day. You are a fighter and I admire that so much. I am so blessed to have you in my life and I can't imagine what it will be like when you aren't around anymore, I hate even letting that thought enter my mind. I know no matter what you will always be with me, forever.

2. I am so proud to call you my friend, you are such an amazing person. Everything happens for a reason and I know you came into my life for a reason! Some of the best memories of my life you have been there right by my side. No one can make me laugh like you can, most of the time its over something that isn't even funny, your laugh is just contagious! I love everything about you and words can't describe how much I've missed you this last year! Being apart from you sucks so bad but I know in the long run it's just strengthening our friendship cuz girl we in for the loooong haul. You are such a happy go lucky person and I love you for that! Thanks for listening to my endless whines about boys and always giving me the best advice. You really truelly are my best friend and I am so glad you are in my life! I'm so proud of you and all of the progress you have made in your life, you are such a great example to me. I know we have both changed so much in the last year and our lives are completely different but I hope you know I will ALWAYS be there for you because I know you'd do the same for me. Love you boo!

3. I don't even know where to begin with this one. We've been through so much together, I know you came into my life for a reason. You have taught me so much about myself. People always said we were too young to know what real love is, but I know what we had was; no matter what anyone else says. You have taught me how to love and how it feels to truely be loved in return.
We have put each other through so much, the highest highs and the lowest lows and we still care about each other, and yet we're both still around. You know how to make me feel so beautiful, like I'm the ONLY girl in the whole world. When I'm with you nothing else matters, it's just you and me. No one can make me laugh like you can. You are my best friend and no one knows me better than you do. I always knew the day would come when you had to leave, but I wasn't expecting it to hurt that much. When you first left, it broke my heart. I almost didn't want to even get out of bed. It felt like a major part of me was missing. It feels like you have been gone for years, but it doesn't hurt as bad anymore. Things have changed.. I've changed.. I don't know what to do anymore. I feel like if I make certain decisions you will hate me and that is something I never wanted. You mean so much to me, and the thought of losing you and not having you be a part of my life is the worst feeling every. But honestly, I am not happy right now and I don't know if I truely will be when you're back either...

4. I wish you'd have more respect for yourself. It's none of my business but you are a beautiful girl but you are selling yourself short and I wish you could see that.

5. You both are two of the most amazing people i know, you have taught me so much and helped me become the woman I am today and I can't thank either of you enough for everything you have done for me. I know either one of you would do anything under the sun for me, you are both so amazing and I don't deserve you. I can't help but thing how much I wish things were like how they used to be when I was little, when you tuck me in at night and help me say my prayers. Back when we used to have family time and we all got along. I know things got in the way and us kids didn't make it any easier for you but I wish you wouldn't of fallen away. I know you are old enough to make your own decisions and that it is none of my business but I wish you'd be the old you again. If I could wish one thing it would be to have you both go back to church, not for me, but for yourself.

6. You are my BEST FRIEND! You are the greatest kid I know and I am so happy to know you. You are the one friend I know will always be there for me. I have known you most of my life and no one knows me as well as you do. You are seriously one of the greatest people i have ever known, you have the most contagious personality. I know whenever am with you it is bound to go down in the books as one of the best nights ever. You have been gone almost a whole year now and I honestly can say it suck so bad. I never realized how much I came to you about things. You are the best listener and you have always given me the best advice. I can't wait for you to come home and for the rest of our adventures together to begin!

7. I think you are a nice cute girl, but seriously get over yourself. Sometimes it feels like you do stuff just to get under my skin. Live your own life and stop trying to be just like everyone else. Be original, not a copy of everyone else.

8. It's time for you to get off your broomstick and get over the past. I know I've never been good enough for you and you'll never approve but guess what? I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU THINK ANYMORE! I am so happy with myself and how far I've gotten in life. I know I've made some very stupid mistakes in my life and I fully take responsibility for them. I'm not gonna pretend they didn't happen but I know that's not who I am anymore. Your opinion doesn't matter to me anymore, I'm done trying to impress you.

9. You are turning into quite the amazing young man. I am so proud to call you my (BIG) little brother. You are such a sweetheart and my little protector! You are such a stud and every girl knows it, but the best keep their hands off you are too young to date. You are such an example to me that I should always have a positive attitude no matter what is going on in my life. Even though you have to go through so many trials every day more than any 14 year old boy should ever have to and you are always such a happy kid and I admire that so much. You are shaking your booty in front of my right now, you can always make me laugh! You have an amazing future ahead of you, live it to it's fullest!

10. I don't know who you are yet but I know you are the one I've been waiting for. You are the one person who I feel like I can be 100% myself with. You are the love of my life and the person I choose to be with for all eternity. You're the kind of guy who can just look at my and can make my heart flutter. You write me cute notes and leave them on my pillow when you have to leave early for work. You are the kind of guy who sings at the top of his lungs in the car with me and will break out in random dance moves in the groccery store with me. My family loves you. You have the priesthood and the gospel is as important to you as it is to me. You're the kind of husband who comes home with roses, just cuz it's Tuesday. You're the kind of father who would rather play catch with his kids then be at any sort of business meeting. You are my best friend.